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Given the results, the following general trends can be established:

  • Although there some unresolvable elements in the micrographs, the majority could be identified and explained.

  • The low carbon steel 0.1%C exhibits more ductile behaviour than the 0.5%C after heat treatment.

  • Quenching generally embrittles material. Martensite formed partially in a number of quenched materials, and fully in the austenitic 0.5%C quenched steel.

  • The somewhat counterintuitive tendency of steel which has been exposed to a higher heat being more ductile than steel exposed to a lower temperature in the duplex region.

  • Further analysis can be made through the use of a SEM.

There are some exceptions to these trends, see Results & Discussion for more details. Furthermore, the project has set a precedent in establishing what metallurgical analysis can be achieved with the given resources. The HBIM is fully operational and capable for demonstration for classroom purposes and research.  The specimens created by the project are available for further research, if required.

Despite a fairly large setback early on, delaying many aspects of the project, some strong results have been collected and a precedent for future work has been established. 

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